D'Artagnan considered the events of the morning. It was hardly nine o'clock, and yet he was already in disgrace with M. de Tréville who could not fail to think that his conduct was ungentlemanly. Besides this he had involved himself in two duels with men, each of whom was capable of killing three D'Artagnans. He was engaged to fight two Musketeers, two of those beings whom he considered so highly that he placed them in his estimation above all other men. The outlook was unhappy. Certain that he would be killed by Athos, it was clear that he did not trouble himself much about Porthos. Hope, however, is the last thing extinguished in the heart of man. D'Artagnan, therefore, was not without some hope that he might survive both these duels even though with terrible wounds.

"Friend D'Artagnan," he said to himself, "if you do escape, I would advise you to practise perfect politeness in the future. To be obliging and polite does not necessarily make a man a coward."

In this manner, walking slowly and thinking seriously about himself, D'Artagnan noticed Aramis chatting gaily with three gentlemen of the King's Guards. Aramis, too, noticed D'Artagnan, but he had not forgotten that this young man had heard M. de Tréville scolding him that morning. Full of his plans to be more considerate and polite, D'Artagnan approached the gentlemen with a deep bow and a most gracious smile. Aramis bowed his head slightly in acknowledgment, but he did not smile.

The four immediately ceased their conversation, and D'Artagnan saw that he was unwanted. Not being skilled in the fashions of the world, he sought in his mind for the least awkward means of taking his leave. It was then he noticed that Aramis had let fall a handkerchief, and had unknowingly placed his foot on it. Here appeared an opportunity of making an excuse for his intruding upon their conversation. He stooped and drew the handkerchief from under the foot of the Musketeer, in spite of the efforts the latter appeared to be making to keep it there. Holding it out to Aramis, he said, "I believe, sir, that this is a handkerchief you would not like to lose."

The handkerchief was indeed richly embroidered, and had initials in one of its corners. Aramis blushed deeply, and snatched rather than took the handkerchief from the young Gascon.

"Ah!" cried one of the Guards. Will you persist in saying that you are not a close friend of Madame de Bois-Tracy, when that gracious lady kindly lends you one of her handkerchiefs?"

Aramis gave D'Artagnan a black look, but, quickly recovering himself, he said in his usual calm manner, "You are mistaken, gentlemen. This handkerchief is not mine, and I cannot imagine why this gentleman took it into his head to offer it to me rather than to one of you. To prove what I say, here is mine in my pocket."

So saying, he pulled out his own handkerchief, also of very fine material, but a handkerchief without embroidery or initials.

This time D'Artagnan was not so hasty.

"The truth is," said he, "I did not actually see the handkerchief fall from M. Aramis's pocket. He had his foot on it, and so I thought it was his."

"And naturally you were mistaken," replied Aramis coldly.

Then turning towards one of the Guards whom he knew to be a friend of Madame de Bois-Tracy, he continued, " Besides, Montaran, as you are also a close friend of Madame de Bois-Tracy, the handkerchief might just as well have fallen from your pocket as mine."

"No, upon my honour!" cried the Guard.

"You swear upon your honour and I upon my word, so it is evident that one of us is lying. Now here, Montaran, we will do better than that. Let each take a half."

"Of the handkerchief?"


"Perfectly just," cried the other Guards. "The judgment of King Solomon! Aramis, you certainly are full of wisdom."

The young men burst into a laugh, and thus, so it seemed, ended the affair of the handkerchief.

In a moment or two the four friends shook hands and separated, the three going one way and Aramis another.

D'Artagnan had stood on one side during the latter part of the conversation. When he saw Aramis leaving without paying any further attention to him, he approached him saying, "Sir, you will excuse me, I hope—"

"Ah, sir!" interrupted Aramis sharply, "allow me to point out that you have not acted like a well-bred man."

"What, sir!" cried D'Artagnan. "Do you suppose—?"

"I suppose that you are not a fool. Although coming from Gascony, you know very well that people do not tread upon handkerchiefs without reason."

"Sir, you are unjust," said D'Artagnan, whose quarrelsome nature now controlled his feelings. "I am from Gascony, it is true, and since you know it, there is no reason to remind you that Gascons are not very patient. When they have asked to be excused even for a foolish act, they are satisfied that they have done more than they ought to have done."

"Sir, I do not seek a quarrel, not being a braggart," said Aramis. "I am a Musketeer only for a time, and I do not fight unless I am forced to do so. This time the affair is serious, for here a lady's honour is endangered by you."

"By us, you mean!" cried D'Artagnan.

"Why did you foolishly restore the handkerchief to me?"

"Why did you foolishly let it fall?"

"Ah! It seems that I must teach you a lesson."

"And I will send you back to your studies, Mr. Future-Monk. Draw if you please, and instantly—"

"Not so. Not here at least. I wish to kill you in some quiet corner. At two o'clock I shall have the pleasure of expecting you at M. de Tréville's office. There I will inform you of the best place and time." The two young men bowed and separated. D'Artagnan, seeing that it was approaching twelve o'clock, hastened towards the back of the Luxembourg.

"Decidedly," thought he, "there is no possibility of escape now. But, at least, if I am killed, I shall be killed by a Musketeer."